Welcome to "Seize The Moment". I hope you will have as much fun participating in the class as I have had putting creating it.
Never before have so many photographers taken so many photos. Our opportunities have become endless. Whereas this is wonderful, it has also upped the ante. Not only has the competition for exposure been multiplied exponentially, but people’s attention span has shortened and they now expect to be truly entertained.
Photography is visual communcation--pure and simple. Optimize the popularity and impact of your photography by clarifying your communication.
The ability to innovate, experiment, notice, and see are imperative in maximizing your photography.
Things take time!
Embrace the strengths of your photos rather than let their weaknesses frustrate you. Focus on what you can learn from your photo shoots. Not only will you avoid frustration and end enjoy your shoots more, but over time--
iLet your photos come to you rather than chase them
Highly successful photos share seven criteria. Watch the slideshow below and start incorporating these criteria in your photography